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Overhaul 17a: Undeniable Truth of Overhaul 22

Learning rapidly to improve performance is a superpower in ship overhaul. Crew members will make errors because no one enters a prolonged maintenance period knowing what they need to know. The problem for the crew’s leaders isn’t what they don’t know about learning from error. It’s what they know that isn’t so.

Overhaul9: Navy Maintenance Problems3

Achieving acceptable performance in Navy ship depot maintenance is hard. Diagnosing the key problems when things aren’t going well is even tougher since so many factors that contribute to delays aren’t under the control of any one Navy activity. Ship lifecycle management poor performance has many components. Depot maintenance is just one of them.

Overhaul2 What Happens

While they can seem like chaos, overhauls have three major parts: setting plant conditions, repairs, and testing the repairs. These parts can be divided even further. Some aspects of overhaul are subtle or fiendishly counterintuitive.